
This software merges pictures from the news website tagesschau.de and invites to associatively reflect on the occurrences of the day. It shows a moving image, but since the movement is very slow, it seems to be frozen at first glance. Exploring perception modalities in public space, a new format beyond the video-clip and the billboard is created.

With strong video projectors installed on top of a department store (see urbanscreen.com), I could present this work large-scaled on a house wall in Bremen on June 23 and 24 2006.

The project was developed during my internship at Fraunhofer IAIS (Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme), business segment e-Culture, supported by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss.

Thanks to: Hannes Oud, Philipp Kehl


Java application
built with Processing


safe cuddling